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Flexible peer to peer lending & borrowing.

Accept (or decline) a loan offer

Logged in > My Borrowing Account > Open the Loan Request or

Logged in > My Borrowing Account > Click Actions Required

Then you see this display:


Click "ACCEPT LOAN" button and this page shows:


When you "Accept" the loan, you can set the date of the first repayment instalment, from 15 days and up to 42 days, ahead. You can also choose the day of the month (from 1st up to 28th) on which you wish the second and subsequent repayments to be made (within constraints of not earlier than 10 days, nor later than 33 days, after the first repayment). This is designed sdo that you can set the regular repayment day of month to suit your monthly income or salary payments.

Once these dates are set they can only be changed via a Change of Instalment Plan (CIP) membership.

Select how the loan will be disbursed. There is a choice of three, Direct Credit being free and recommended as the best choice from an automation viewpoint. There are two other methods, each for a small fee, because of the administration required behind the scenes. 




On this page there are two checkboxes that need to be checked, the first agreeing to the loan instalment repayments being taken from your account by Direct Debit. The second agreeing to the terms of the Direct Debit system.

Then click the "SUBMIT" button.

You will now see this message, be careful not to navigate from this page while its processing the repayment plan.

Loan Request10

A message appears at the top of the page, confirming that the repayment plan has been saved and letting you know that you will now receive an email to re-confirm the direct debit repayment plan:


This is the form of the email that you will receive to confirm the loan:


This is the form of the email that you will receive to re-confirm the direct debit repayment plan on the loan:


To re-confirm the direct debit repayment plan you need to click the link in the email. A browser will open up and you will see this page of the website, with the following message:


Do not worry about the message "You must login first" unless you wish to do anything else on the website which requires you to be logged in.

As the message also says, your loan will be disbursed by your chosen method shortly.

Good luck!